The day after Christmas, I brought it out. I'm never sure when I'll see them, and I want to be ready when I do. There are not too many parts to this kit, but I will use glue in it's assembly, so it won't fall apart over time. I also plan on rigging it. There is no rigging in the instructions, and no tie points to speak of either. I'll just do the most obvious lines, like the lifts, fore stays, back stays, and braces. If I think of anything else, I'll add it in. I will also do some detail painting...nothing too drastic. I saw a you tube vid of a fellow that built one of these ships. He didn't do any rigging, but he used gloss paints....for the subject of the kit, flats would have been better {or even acrylics}.
The skylights were done using a toothpick, dropping the color in the little squares, and then light sanding to make the frames show up better. The cannons were painted flat black......the instructions cited gold, but I left the gun deck cannons black, so I matched the spar deck cannon to match them.
various other colors were used to accent the deck layout. The stand was done too......the skull and crossbones, the map, and the plaque lettering. I did a so - so job on it......I'll touch it up a bit later, when it has dried.
The transom was done as well, detailing the windows in the same method. Flat White was dropped into the panes and accented with gold. The decoration at the top was painted gold.
Cemented and snapped onto the stern, it doesn't look bad. I have to do the windows on the sides of the stern still. I could accent it further, but I'll leave it as is......I don't want to be too busy. I was thinking of the back stays and bow stays.......there are dead eye assemblies that are associated with these lines......I have an idea how to make them. One rule I made for myself is that I am to use no other parts, than those in the kit. I cannot scratch make that leaves me with only using thread. I'll see if my idea works.
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