Friday, January 8, 2016

Revell Black Diamond - 1:350 snap tite kit {part 2}

Here I was thinking how few parts there were in the long would it take me to build it.        
    The answer......I should have known better.   Before I knew it,  it was the weekend and time for me to go back to vacation was over.   I had gotten as far as painting the upper ratlines {they are part of the masts},  and the woolings around the lower section of the masts.  When I got back to it,  I finished them and then did the side windows of the stern.

The side windows need touch up.......even with narrow tipped detail brushes,  I still made silly mistakes.

The stand was touched up a little more......not perfect,  but it looks better than it was.

Plastic ratlines.......and yards with sails furled up.   I can do nothing with the keeping with the kit,  I will use them.   The kit does supply sails.......they are nothing more than paper cut outs in the back of the instruction sheets.  Noting that the yards have this detail,  I'm not going to use the paper sails......I'll accent the yards and the ropes that furl the sails,  and leave it as that.   With the rigging,  it will look just as good.   Note that the chain plates do not have a lot of room to I mentioned earlier,  there are no places for rope ties.   I will have to drill holes and tie the ropes off as best I can.


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